October 2022 Meeting Notes

Meeting held in person on October 10, 2022 at 7:30pm

I- Officer Reports

Seneschal: Johann Bohrer von Elsass
a- Access to system achieved!
b- Report in on time
c- Still waiting on access to email, please send important email to personal email

Baron/Baroness: Sir Angus von Atzinger and Mistress Melisande de Canonwald
a- Looking for bids for 12th night and May Day
b- Discussing Thanksgiving gathering tonight
c- This weekend is crown tournament
d- Report in on time
e- Majesties requesting donation of cups for newcomers
f- Planning to attend FG championships
g- Thank you to everyone at the ComiCon Demo. Went great! Lots of volunteers

Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh
a- Newsletter out on time. We had photos from the expo demo featured this quarter.
b- Report late by a day

Exchequer: Hypathia of Inish mor
a- Check for Pennsic trailer cleared
b- $2,529.30 in bank
c- Working on getting access to email and bank account
d- Report in on time

Chatelaine: Gabriel de Burgh
a- Domesday due next month

Herald: Reinhold von Glier
a- Report in on time

Armored/Heavy Marshal: Onund Ullrson
Not in attendance

Rapier Marshal: Gabriel de Burgh
a- Report due next month
b- Need loaner gear, XL and larger coats specifically. If we can make or buy or donate one, please?

Youth Martial Marshal: Reinhold von Glier
a- Youth fighting again soon, going to be on Wednesdays

A&S: Francis Howard
Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh
Social Media Officer: Amaranth Wolfbane

Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant

II- Old Business
a- Archival paperwork meeting tbd still
b- Seneschal still working on office transition booklet
c- Still looking for possible replacement of group Rapier marshal
d- Molly Malone’s menu for event is cost prohibitive. Other options being looked into. Madtree has been emailed, waiting on reply.