March 2023 Meeting Notes

Meeting was held March 6th, 2023 at 7:30pm

I- Officer Reports

Seneschal: Johann Bohrer von Elsass Not in attendance, on the way to Gulf Wars

Baron/Baroness: Sir Angus von Atzinger and Mistress Melisande de Canonwald
a- Report is due before Coronation

Exchequer: Hypathia of Inish mor
a- Nothing in or out, should be same amount as last month

Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh Not in attendance
a- The Spring newsletter will be out at the end of the month. Officers, please send me your letters by the end of the day on the 25th.
b- To the barony as a whole, the link to submit your information to be included in the Meet the Barony section of the newsletter can be found in the pinned post on the Facebook group or in the Winter newsletter

A&S: Francis Howard Not in attendance
a- Sunday, March 12th, is A&S day at the Boone County Library, 1pm-2:30pm. We will be using ceramic paint pens and decorating our own feast gear. Bring your own ceramic feast gear to decorate

Chatelaine: Gabriel de Burgh

Herald: Reinhold von Glier Not in attendance

Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh Not in attendance

Social Media: Amaranth Wolfbane

Web minister:

Armored/Heavy Marshal: Onund Ullrson
a- Report went in on time,
b- We have lots of fighters

Youth Martial Marshal: Reinhold von Glier Not in attendance

Signet: Office vacant
Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Rapier Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant

II- Old Business
a- Chatelaine is looking for space to make loaner gorgets for new members
a. Space found, no date yet
b- Voting on May-Day event (event bid included with February meeting notes)
a. Vote Passed
c- Lunch Tavern for GTOE – No
d- Fenix camp at Pennsic – Opened to South Oaken, some people from Fenix have already reached out

III- New Business:

IV- Announcements
a- Rapier starting to go through a fencing manual from 1599
b- All rapier martials will have to redo the test at some point
c- PVC bows no longer permitted