Meeting was held October 14th 2024 at 7:30pm
I- Officer Reports
Seneschal: Deor Leodegar
● Working on getting inventory list compiled
● Next meeting is on Veterans Day. On vacation, Chronicler will run in absence
● Needs a deputy
Baron/Baroness: Reinhold von Glier and Lynne Fairchild
● January 13th Fenix will be celebrating 12th Night and selecting our new champions for A&S, Bardic, and Gaming
● RUM is coming up Nov 9th
● Looking for Signet and Scribe to help with scrolls
Exchequer: Wilhelm von Glier
● Amount in the bank is $3400
● NEEDS a deputy/replacement ASAP
● More in donations at championships than cost
● Epay up for RUM
Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh
● Report in on time
A&S: CuMhara O’Holyhead not in attendance
Chatelaine: Reinhold von Glier
Chatelaine Deputy: Luzia de la Salamanca
● 4th grade teacher at Goodridge Elementary School in Hebron, KY has reached out wanting us to do a presentation on the Middle Ages (Magna Carta, King Henry, Battle of Hastings, etc) for 4 classes sometime during the week of December 16th during the school day (8:30-3:30 if at school, 9-2 if at local library) See what people dressed like, coining, pass around helmet and armor while explaining about the time period. Baron has agreed to do it as his schedule is Flexible but would like others to join if possible. Roughly 13th-14th century
● Demo on Saturday successful. Not large audience, but visitors stayed and at meeting today! Lots of demos this year and has been great
Herald: Gabriel de Burgh
● Report in on time
Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh
● I have held this office for 4 years and would like to step down
—○ Meet to update inventory list
Social Media: Amaranth Wolfbane not in attendance
Web minister: Roisin de Burgh
● Newsletter has been published on the website
● RUM class list and schedule has been added to the RUM website
Armored/Heavy Marshal: Dorian Drumheller
● Need a deputy
● We have fighters and new fighters
Rapier Marshal: Gabriel de Burgh
● Nothing to report
Signet: Office vacant
Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant
Youth Martial Marshal: Office vacant
II- Old Business
● Fall RUM 2024 (Nov 9th, 2024)
—○ Staff showing up on Friday to do set up. Need help!
—○ 8am Saturday site opens to staff and merchants, 9 am doors open
—○ Classes start at 10, Court after class ends at 6. Baronial and Royal court
—○ Need laptops to help record cameras
● 2025 Fenix 12th night (Jan 11th, 2025)
—○ At Nature Park event center again
—○ Pot luck dinner
—○ Awards recs please!
● Practices at Pioneer Park (1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month)
—○ Suspended until Spring
● Pre-Thanksgiving Gathering
—○ A reservation placed at Madtree for 30 people on Wednesday, November 27 at 6pm at the Oakley taproom location (3301 Madison Ave, Cincinnati)
——■ The menu link:
——■ The drink menu:
——■ Table reservation will only be held for 15 minutes past reservation start time.
● Schmidty offering to make leather coronets
● Request for Fenix to host South Oaken Regional A&S Faire in 2025
—○ Currently the Florence Nature Park Event Center is available on February 15th, February 22nd, March 1st, March 8th, March 15th, April 5th, and April 12th that does not conflict with anything on the Midrealm schedule.
—○ $275 rental fee and $300 refundable security deposit
III- New Business:
● May Day 2025 Event Bid
—● May 16th-May 18th
—● Suggest to make it a camping event
—● Bid is linked below and will be voted on at next event