November 2024 Meeting Notes

Meeting was held November 11th 2024 at 7:30pm

I- Officer Reports

Seneschal: Deor Leodegar not in attendance
● Need a deputy
● Report in early!

Baron/Baroness: Reinhold von Glier and Lynne Fairchild
● Fantastic RUM
● 12th Night is Jan 11 and picking new champions (A&S, Bardic, Gaming)

Exchequer: Wilhelm von Glier
● Amount in the bank is about $2800. Expecting another $3800 to be deposited from RUM! But owe Kingdom money from event: $1 per person and estimating an additional $1500 donation to site
● Need a replacement ASAP!!!

Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh
● Need someone for the Meet the Barony. Reach out to the Chronicler if interested (or else I will be reaching out to people)
● Need a deputy

A&S: CuMhara O’Holyhead not in attendance
● Need a deputy
● Report in on time

Chatelaine: Reinhold von Glier
Chatelaine Deputy: Luzia de la Salamanca
● Demo Thursday Dec 19th, 9am-12pm (see New Business)

Herald: Gabriel de Burgh
● Report due at end of month
● People got awards at RUM, court report to be posted

Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh
● I have held this office for 4 years and would like to step down
—○ Meet to update inventory list

Social Media: Amaranth Wolfbane not in attendance

Web minister: Roisin de Burgh
● There is now a calendar on the website that shows when and where fighter practices and meetings are, as well as events hosted by Fenix. There is a list on the sidebar, or at the bottom of the page on mobile. Also, under Baronial Calendar there is a grid version with the same information. On mobile you will see dots on days with an events. Click on the day and a list will pop up.

Armored/Heavy Marshal: Dorian Drumheller
● Need a deputy
● Report was in on time, next one is due December

Rapier Marshal: Gabriel de Burgh
● Domesday report is done!
● Need a deputy
● We have fighters

Signet: Office vacant
Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant
Youth Martial Marshal: Office vacant

II- Old Business
● Fall RUM 2024 (Nov 9th, 2024)
—○ Very successful, well attended, lots of compliments on the site
—○ Classes were quite full, at least 15+ were recorded to put on RUM Youtube channel
● 2025 Fenix 12th night (Jan 11th, 2025)
—○ Looking for the new A&S, Gaming, Bardic Champions
—○ Info to be updated soon now that RUM is done. Watch Facebook and website for more info
● Pre-Thanksgiving Gathering
—○ A reservation placed at Madtree for 30 people on Wednesday, November 27 at 6pm at the Oakley taproom location (3301 Madison Ave, Cincinnati)
——■ The menu link:
——■ The drink menu:
——■ Table reservation will only be held for 15 minutes past reservation start time.
● Request for Fenix to host South Oaken Regional A&S Faire in 2025
—○ Currently the Florence Nature Park Event Center is available on February 15th, February 22nd, March 1st, March 8th, March 15th, April 5th, and April 12th that does not conflict with anything on the Midrealm schedule.
—○ $275 rental fee and $300 refundable security deposit
—○ Need a bid put together to vote on
● May Day 2025 Event Bid
—○ May 16th-May 18th
—○ Event bid passed!
—○ Deputy autocrat needed please (Gabriel wants to teach someone how to do it)

III- New Business:
● School Demo December 19th, 9am-12pm at Hebron Branch Library (info listed on
website) for 115 fourth graders studying the Middle Ages, Battle of Hastings, King
Henry, Magna Carter
● Rent Nature Park Event Center in Baron’s name and funds for Duke Eikbrandr to
host his longsword class? January 25, 2025. Open to any SCA fighters, please
donate to help cover site cost
—● Can’t be billed as SCA event, or covered by SCA insurance, Can be as a Fight Practice
● Springtime TOA, do we want to see about hosting?
—● Florence would not be an option. Immanuel school would if we wanted to
—● Would need bid if we want to, but questioning ability to do a TOA and Fair the same season