February 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was held February 12th at 7:30pm

I- Officer Reports

Seneschal: Johann Bohrer von Elsass/Deor Leodegar
a- Transition of office from Johann to Deor Leodegar
b- Report in on time. (Regional says one of the few who did)
c- Thanks for partaking in the poll

Baron/Baroness: Sir Angus von Atzinger and Mistress Melisande de Canonwald
a- Transitions Deputy thanked Barony for the help. Looks like we hit threshold for vote count
b- Final court at May Day
c- Reminder that we need a Camp Rieve for Pennsic. Registration is open. Neighbor camp rieve willing to be proxy of Fenix can’t be there for landgrab

Exchequer: Hypathia of Inish mor
a- Amount in the bank is $2,402.85
b- We have online access to the bank!
c- Twelfth Night cost $250. We received $180 in donations from Twelfth Night, and $75 last minute donations
d- Domesday report done and approved

Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh
a- Please send me stories and pictures from the early years of the barony

A&S: Francis Howard Not in attendance

Chatelaine: Gabriel de Burgh
a- Report on time
b- Need deputy
c- We have been contacted by the Sharonville Library to take part in the mini-Medieval Fair on Saturday April 20th.
a. Asked for combat demonstrations, but Chatelaine wants A&S represented as well
b. Seems to be interest in it based on meeting.

Herald: Reinhold von Glier
a- Reports in on time, website error so report in late.
b- Need to find a replacement.

Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh

Social Media: Amaranth Wolfbane Not in attendance

Web minister: Roisin de Burgh
a- Champions list has been updated on the website

Armored/Heavy Marshal: Onund Ullrson
a- Joint loaner armor making day with Flaming Gryphon
b- I’m on my 3rd year. Dorian is offering to take place.

Rapier Marshal: Gabriel de Burgh
a- Report in on time, error so report in late

Youth Martial Marshal: Reinhold von Glier

Signet: Office vacant
Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant

II- Old Business

a- Rapier Marshal is still planning for day to make loaner gorgets for new members

b- Proposal for practices to be held at Pioneer Park in Kentucky has been tabled until February.
—–a. Second Practice to be held if another marshal can be found to run it.

c- Need someone for A&S Minister

d- We have been contacted by Great Parks of Hamilton County for a demo opportunity: Saturday, June 15 from 9:30-3:30pm and Sunday, June 16 from 12-4pm. Glenwood Gardens (10397 Springfield Pike, Woodlawn, OH 45215)
—–a. “Fairy tale festival / Fables and Folklore Festival”
—–b. A&S, especially weaving, Armored and rapier fighting, talking about our kits and taking pictures, normal demo stuff.
—–c. We would have a 20×20 list space plus some surrounding / adjacent area for gear and displays

e- May Day
—–a. Bid for Royalty Lunch, would need $80.
—–b. Need Lunch Tavern Budget Bid
———-i. Asking $200
———-ii. Expected to make $5 person x 120 people = $600
———-iii. Passed
—–c. Need a Royal Court Herald. Gabriel will run Baronial Court.
—–d. Looking for A&S teachers and A&S classes
—–e. Need Parking lot attendant– Caveron volunteered
—–f. A&S bean count competitionuy, prize by Reinhold
—–g. Need Newcomers Point and Youth Point
—–h. Hotel is reserved for TRH/TRM. No hotel plan for future TRH yet.
—–i. Their Excellencies of Sternfeld are planning to attend

III- New Business:

a- New Knight Marshal to be voted next month – Dorian
b- New Exchequer to be voted next month – Gareth de Burgh
c- New Herald to be voted next month – Gabriel de Burgh
d- New Chatelaine voted next month – Reinhold von Glier