Meeting was held April 15th 2024 at 7:30pm
I- Officer Reports
Seneschal: Deor Leodegar
a. Practice site needs weekly count of attendance, for both martial and non martial. Site also needs contact number for updates (Reinhold offered)
Baron/Baroness: Sir Angus von Atzinger and Mistress Melisande de Canonwald
a. In the 6 week countdown to transition. Looking forward to the change
b. Haven’t heard anything official about transition, will reach out to Her Highness
Exchequer: Gareth de Burgh
a. Amount in the bank is $2,488.85
Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh
a. Report in on time, newsletter published and available on Facebook and the website. Copies sent to the SCA Archivist and Crown as usual
A&S: Office vacant
a. Kope voted in as A&S Officer
Chatelaine: Reinhold von Glier
a. Demo on Saturday, 11am-4pm, Combat demo at 1pm. Fighters be there at 12:30pm
Herald: Gabriel de Burgh
a. Nothing to report
Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh
a. Going to make a list of loaner
Social Media: Amaranth Wolfbane *not in attendance*
Web minister:
a. Officers page updated with new officers.
Armored/Heavy Marshal: Dorian
a. Keeping tally on fighters and non-fighters
b. Hengist and Lawson have been making loaner gear. Going to keep with Flaming Gryphon gear for now
Rapier Marshal: Gabriel de Burgh
a. New fighter!
Signet: Office vacant
Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant
Youth Martial Marshal: Office vacant
II- Old Business
a- Demo coming up on April 20th
b- 2025 Fenix 12th night proposal – Jan 11th, 2025
-a. $275 site fee, $300 refundable security deposit,
-b. Suggested donation of $5, need 55 people to break even
-c. Autocrats are Hengist and Hypathia
-d. 11am – 11pm
-e. Motion passes
c- RUM Bid for Nov 9th.
-a. Has been submitted, has been acknowledged but not decided
-b. Hengist is Autocrat
d- May Day
-a. Site visit for May Day on Sunday, April 21 at 2pm at Camp Michael
-b. Looking at overflow parking options
-c. Need at least 1 more A&S class for May Day: please contact Lynne either on Facebook or at [email protected]
-d. No parking on the grass or fields
e- Donation for fight practice
-a. Motion passes.
-b. Looking into paypal option
III- New Business:
a. Decide on what to do with the box of donated fabric
-a. Anything left will be turned into scroll cases
b. There are 2 potential sites for Baronial Championship:
-a. Zelemir and Gertrude’s house (Zelemir offered to be Event Steward if it’s held at their property) – August 24 or 31
-b. Central Park Shelter at Boone County Arbor, $75 to rent – August 24th, Sept 1, Sept 21
-c. Need to put together bid
c. Spoke with Matt with the Cincinnati Comic Expo. Due to the move to the Sharonville Convention Center for the next 2 years (it’s a smaller convention center), they do not have the space for a group such as ours. However, in 2026, he hopes that we can resume this activity
d. If camping with the Barony of Fenix at Pennsic, mail-in registration by May 31 and online paid registration ends on June 14. Please email [email protected] with tent size dimension with ropes, along with arrival and departure dates.
e. Hengist is offering mentorship for anyone who is interested in being an event steward