Meeting was held June 14, 2022 via Zoom
I- Officer Reports
Seneschal: Johann Bohrer von Elsass
a- Opening of meeting
Baron/Baroness: Sir Angus von Atzinger and Mistress Melisande de Canonwald
a- Pennsic registration ends 6/16. Register! Currently 4 registered in Fenix camp
b- AEthelmearc rules in place for Pennsic. Vaccination/Negative test rules in place
c- Congrats to our newest Armiger Francis Byron.
Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh
a- Please send letters for the newsletter by June 25th.
b- Please send A&S photos in!
Exchequer: Hypathia of Inish mor
a- Report on time
b- Working on bank info changed over
c- 4/30 amount in bank is $2,966.30
A&S: Francis Howard
a- Next A&S meetup on June 25th.
b- If you have something to teach at A&S meetup, please let Francis know.
c- A&S adjacent, but still need access to officer email and report entry. Trying to reach out, but not getting replies. Going to try helpdesk.
Chatelaine: Gabriel de Burgh
a- Talking to Sharonville library about a potential demo. Looking for Sept 22nd, 17th, or 24th. Aiming for 17th.
Armored/Heavy Marshal: Onund Ullrson
Hengist gave update in Onund’s absence
a- Have fighters. With it being hot outside, and no electricity at the site, had no helmet slow drills for practice.
b- S Oaken Meet and Beat at Dragonsmark on the 26th
Rapier Marshal: Gabriel de Burgh
a- It’s hot outside! Bring masks for inside. If hydration is not brought, you will not be allowed to practice. There is a water fountain inside, bring a water bottle to fill.
Herald: Reinhold von Glier
Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh
Social Media Officer: Amaranth Wolfbane
Youth Martial Marshal: Reinhold von Glier
Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant
II- Old Business
a- May Day event update? Not happening this year.
b- In person meeting to resume with July meeting on 2nd Mondays. Voted and passed
c- Rapier meeting to be moved to Mondays, combining with Armored.
III- New Business:
a- Championships – going to check in to see if we can use same site as last year?
b- Wednesday before Thanksgiving at Molly’s usually. Need to use banquet menu if we continue. Going to have to choose menu items and pay ahead of time.