April 2023 Meeting Notes

Meeting was held on April 10th at 7:30pm

I- Officer Reports

Seneschal: Johann Bohrer von Elsass

Baron/Baroness: Sir Angus von Atzinger and Mistress Melisande de Canonwald
a- Report is due TRH on their coronation
b- TRH/TRM will not be coming to May Day due to it being so close to Coronation. But they did reach out showing interest
c- Looking ahead at Baronial Championships, want to move to a different weekend so our equestrian people can attend and we don’t conflict with Mounted War Games.

Exchequer: Hypathia of Inish mor Not in attendance
a- E-pay is prepared for May Day and on the website
b- Still trying to get digital access
c- 2,471.30 we think. Starting numbers were incorrect for yearly start numbers
d- Still looking for a deputy

Chronicler: Roisin de Burgh
a- May is 2 years since I took office. I would like to continue my time in office. Gareth has said he would like to be my deputy.
b- Quarterly report in on time

A&S: Francis Howard Not in attendance
a- There is interest in making tabards. I am unable to plan it at the moment, but ask that if someone else is able to, please let me know when and what is needed and I will make sure to share the information

Chatelaine: Gabriel de Burgh
a- Been busy with May Day
b- We keep having new people!

Herald: Reinhold von Glier Not in attendance
a- Quarterly report in, nothing else to report

Quartermaster: Roisin de Burgh

Social Media: Amaranth Wolfbane Not in attendance

Web minister:
a- Website has been updated with information regarding May Day, including the pre-reg link

Armored/Heavy Marshal: Onund Ullrson Not in attendance

Youth Martial Marshal: Reinhold von Glier Not in attendance

Signet: Office vacant
Archery Marshal: Office vacant
Equestrian Marshal: Office vacant
Rapier Marshal: Office vacant
Thrown Weapons Marshal: Office vacant

II- Old Business
a- May Day
_____a. Still working to get insurance form that Dan Beard council needs
_____b. Marshal side has been filled
__________i. Lots of official practices happening-Unbelt and Regional Armored
__________ii. Details to come but Melisande’s protégé is looking at doing a Freya/womens only Archery Tournament
_____c. Need someone to run Troll
__________i. We have a volunteer: Duvessa MacSweeney of Cork
_____d. Lunch tavern meal finalized, regular/vegetarian/gluten free options
__________i. Drinks: Coke products, trying to get sport drinks for fighters
__________ii. Chips and Fruit cups
__________iii. Dessert will happen
b- Chatelaine is looking for space to make loaner gorgets for new members
_____a. Space found, no date yet
c- Court list for May Day. Please message the Baron and Baroness with award recs
d- Pennsic camp
_____a. We have 9 people signed up, one set from Flame
_____b. Pennsic is estimating 20,000 people

III- New Business:
a- Duvessa MacSweeney of Cork is trying to get marshal authorization for Thrown Weapons Marshal to step up as Baronial Marshal